Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tortillas/African Chapatis (made May 4, 2011 by Molly)

3 cups of flour
small handful of sugar
~1/8 tsp. salt
~1/2 tsp. dried seasonings of choice
1/3 c. oil (can be slightly increased if desired but not decreased)
1 cup of VERY hot water

Whisk together dry ingredients. Add oil and with hands work it into the dry mixture until completely incorporated. Add hot water and mix with hands until dough ball forms (should be slightly sticky). Separate into 8 pieces. Form the ball into round disc and on a floured surface roll out to thin tortilla. Over medium heat cook each side for about a minute (more or less depending on preference). Place on plate and cover completely with plastic wrap (<-important to keep the chapatis from hardening and drying out). Enjoy!

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